The BBM Social supermarket focuses on dignity in choice

The BBM Social supermarket focuses on dignity in choice, allowing people experiencing food insecurity to select what they need, rather than being provided with pre-filled food parcels.
BBM have adopted a low cost model points system, where each grocery item will be given a points value, and each person will be allocated a number of points they can spend, depending on their whanau size.
Whanau will be asked to provide a small koha (donation), or whatever they can afford. This method offers a more dignified experience for the shopper, allowing them the opportunity to contribute towards their own groceries.

The collective effort to get this off the ground has been amazing, thank you so much Chris Quinn, Willa, Dave and all the team from Foodstuffs the local owners of New World and Four Square, as well as Pak n Save Taupo. This launch was deliciously catered by BunMeeKiwi, thank you team. Thank you Beard Brothers for donating these top shelf sausages for our sausage sizzle today, I can’t wait for the new Buttabean Sausage coming soon. Thank you also for Paper Plus West City for all your support with the books.
It was an absolute success thanks to my wife, Dee, Norah, all the BBM Tokoroa volunteers, all my BBM team and all of our Auckland chapter that came to tautoko. I’m so proud of this new chapter in our BBM story, this is just the beginning Big shout out to my bro Mikey Shortland . This happened cos you and Dee turned up to meet me 3 years ago bro
Dave letele
This supermarket is not possible without you, with your help we can provide people that face food insecurity the ability to select the items they need.